Current Auto Loan Rates

At Greater Texas Credit Union, we offer competitive auto loan rates because you shouldn’t pay more than you have to for an auto loan. With rates as low as 5.25%1, you can’t afford not to experience the credit union difference.

Benefits Of Getting An Auto Loan At Greater Texas Credit Union

Not only do we offer competitive auto loan rates, but we also provide unparalleled service throughout every step of your loan process. Here are just a few of the benefits of getting an auto loan at Greater Texas Credit Union.

  • Lower than industry average interest rates
  • Extended loan terms up to 84 months
  • Simple online application that takes minutes to complete
  • Completely online application process - no need to visit a branch

**Rates are subject to change without notice, special promotional rates do not apply to loans already financed at the Credit Union.**

Auto Loans

Term Minimum Rate
Loan Types Terms Annual Percentage Rate
2023, 2024, 2025 Models Up to 36 Months As low as 5.25%

Up to 66 Months As low as 6.04%

Up to 75 Months As low as 6.49%

Up to 84 Months As low as 7.46%

2019, 2020, 2022, 2023 Models

Up to 36 Months As low as 5.75%

Up to 66 Months As low as 6.54%

Up to 75 Months As low as 6.99%

2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 Models

Up to 48 Months As low as 6.97%

Up to 66 Months As low as 7.45%

Apply Online

Maximum age of a used motor vehicle to be eligible for financing is ten (10) years from the current calendar year. The age of the vehicle will determine the length of financing terms.

To be eligible for financing, a used motor vehicle’s mileage must be less than 150,000 miles.

Greater Texas is unable to finance out of state vehicles. Contact us for more information on out of state vehicle transactions.

Annual Percentage Rate (APR)

The APR you receive for the sub accounts (except Share Secured, Stock Secured, and Certificate Secured) will be within the range disclosed above and is based on your credit worthiness. Ask the credit union for the rate you qualify to receive. Rates are guaranteed for 30 days from pre-approval notice.

Late Charge

You will pay 20% of the interest due if payment is more than 10 days late.

Minimum $0.05 - $100.00 maximum.

Collection Costs

You promise to pay all costs of collecting the amount you owe under this agreement including court costs and reasonable attorney fees.

Certificate Secured

Certificate Secured loan uses your Term Share Certificate of Deposit Account as loan collateral. Loans secured by a Share Certificate (CD loans) with a term longer than 180 days will require a monthly payment. Eligibility is determined by the CD balance. Members can receive up to 100% of the value of their share certificate.

A Share Secured loan uses your Greater Texas Savings Account as loan collateral. Loans secured by a Savings Account will require a monthly payment and rate will be based on amount borrowed and term length. Eligibility is determined by the Savings balance. Members can receive up to 100% of the value of their Savings account.

GAP and Auto Warranty

Auto loans that include purchase of Greater Texas | Aggieland Credit Union GAP and Auto Warranty will receive a 0.25% APR discount.