It's a Savings/Checking Fusion
Earn more interest with this higher earning account
We have the account to fit your individual needs. This account features a higher rate of interest than our regular savings account, still with no monthly service fee. Our money market accounts can be used like a savings account, but also allows our members to make withdrawals by check up to 6 times per month. This account also offers:
- $2,500 to open an account
- Dividends that are compounded daily and paid monthly
- Interest rates are set monthly by the Board of Directors
- No per item fee
- If the balance does fall below $2500, your account will earn a reduced rate of interest.
For more information regarding our Money Market Account please contact a Member Services Representative.
Savings Calculators
Step 1: Have a goal. Use this calculator to find out how long it will take you to reach your savings goal.
With college tuition increasing, you'll need the power of interest to reach your college savings goal.
Are you saving for a big ticket item? A car? A boat? A motorcycle? Find out how long it will take you.